Table Pinball Game

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An engaging and interactive game that provides a unique playing experience, motivating children to have fun while learning.

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Let your children discover the joy of play and learning 

the Mini Pinball game designed specifically for them.

This game stands out with its colorful and appealing design, created to satisfy children's needs for entertainment, play, and skill development.

Fast-paced action and exciting challenges at every moment

the Pinball for children consists of complex tracks and 5 different areas that serve as targets where children must send the balls using the right angles and appropriate force.

distinctive goal counter and Sound and light effects

It features a distinctive goal counter that keeps track of consecutive and quick goals, motivating your child to score more and keep the ball in their small playground.

The game incorporates sound and light effects that stimulate sensory interaction for children. When goals are achieved, the targets emit sound and light effects that make the child feel victorious and accomplished, encouraging them to continue playing and seeking new challenges.

This is what your child needs

an entertaining game with learning and focus capabilities. Children learn how to control the ball's movement and guide it accurately, helping them develop fine motor skills. It also encourages creative thinking as they strive to reach goals and find solutions.

Pinball for children enhances their ability to focus and pay attention, positively impacting their overall performance in studies and daily tasks.



Power Source
  • 6×1.5V LR14 batteries
42×23.5×14.5 cm
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