Hexagonal Lighting 6 Pieces

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Follow Your Ideas, Create Whatever You Want, Style/Color, Transform Your Wall Into A Work Of Artwork That Will Show Amazing Effects And Create A Romantic And Fun Atmosphere.

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  • DIY Wall Art - Follow Your Ideas, Create Whatever You Want, Style/Color, Transform Your Wall Into A Work Of Artwork That Will Show Amazing Effects And Create A Romantic And Fun Atmosphere.

  • THE PERFECT GIFT - The simple design and unique geometric design not only brightens your home, but also decorate your home. It can be widely used, can be put in the living room, bedroom, hallway, stairs, bathroom, study room, kitchen, laundry area, restaurants, hotels and so on It can also be used as children's room night lights or bedside lamp, and it will bring them brightness and warmth into their heart. Perfect Gift For Your Loved Ones Or Family And Decorate Their Room.

  • Touch Sensitive Standard Lighting - This is a touch sensitive wall lamp. Use the Hex Flex to create any structure that fits your needs, 13 fixed colors and 3 dynamic convertible modes, then switch on and off by touching it.


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  • جهاز تحكم عن بعد/ اللمس
  • plastic
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20cm 30cm 40cm 60cm 80cm 100cm 120cm